Saturday, December 17, 2011

Earring and Necklace Frame Holder

I asked my mom what she wanted for her birthday. She is so hard to buy for, but I try to always get something for her she really likes. This year she asked for a framed earring and necklace holder she noticed on Pinterest. I knew it was a bad idea to send her an invite! Oh well. Here is my attempt to replicate what she saw while pinning.

After a trip to Lowes to pick up some moulding, 1x2x8s and a hanger for the back.

We decided after considering the width of the chicken wire my dad had handy all rolled up by his shop waiting just for me :). I also had picked up some cream colored denim for the back panel at JoAnns. Christmas sales are great and help me save every year for my Mom's birthday gift. So my frame will be 36 x 38. Almost a square, but not quite.

I cut the moulding with a miter saw at 45 degree angles. I lined it up with the 1x2s on the inside and marked my spot to cut. This created two frames. Next I lightly sanded the wood and cleaned it up with a soft rag to remove the dust.

I added two coats of paint and sprayed a gloss over it all.

 I lightly sprayed my chicken wire and stretched it over the top of the 1x2 frame. 

I stapled it down. Then I trimmed off the excess.

Next I painted the denim like an image on linen I found on Pinterest. :) Yes I love to pin too! I started with a few random marks in a circular pattern and then used a brush to dab them flat. You can fore go the back side if you are okay with the wall being your canvas. I added a stem to mine and because of a mess up I added some little blobs at the bottom with the same color as the denim to act as grass or soil.

Then the paint dried I pulled the canvas over the back of the 1x2 frame and stapled it to the back.

It is coming together nicely!

Finally I glued the moulding right over the 1x2 frame and added a hanger to the back.

Once it dried, I touched up any painted areas needing it and added a hanger to the back!! It is finally ready to give away, and I have found myself to be quite fond of it. :(
The selfish in me wants to keep it for myself. I think my mom will love it!

My mom loved it and she is already starting to fill it up with her jewelry!