Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Picture Frame Dry Erase Board

Materials: Picture Frame, Masking Tape or Hot Glue, Scissors, Glass Cleaner, and Fabric (the size of the glass on the picture frame).

This is so easy, I really did not take photos during the process. I cleaned my glass with ammonia or glass cleaner. Once that was done, I took my pressed fabric and layed the print side facing down. Then I took the cardboard backside of the frame and placed it on the fabric. I cut the fabric around the cardboard backside leaving a small area that I could fold over on the back and either tape down or glue down. With the frame facing down, I layed the fabric with the print facing down on the glass and attached the cardboard back. I used hot glue, but I think masking tape would have been better to press the edges down on the backside.

Ta da your dry erase board it finished and it took less than 10 minutes total! This is a great idea for teens as well. My daughter is already begging to write me a note on it. Hmmm I might need to make her one for her room!