Tuesday, July 5, 2011

DIY Plastic Decorative Frame Repair

Whoa I got my feet in this one! Sorry about that. Lol.

Materials to fix a broken plastic frame would be some good all purpose craft glue or gorilla glue, paint, clear glaze, and some hot glue.

I started with painting the edges of the broken pieces with the same color paint as the frame. This way when it is glued back together, you will most likely not see the where it has been broken. Once this dried, I sprayed the broken edges on all four pieces with clear glaze to put a nice gloss on it and darken the color shown above in black.

I put my all purpose craft glue on the cardboard frame shown above.

Once I spread a plentiful amount, I put a dab of hot glue in a few spots just to help me hold it in place to close the cracks. Once this harden, I allowed the frame to sit overnight to dry.

I am holding the side of the frame before I give it to its owner, but you can't even see where it had broken off on either the left or right side. 

So don't throw out those old decorative frames when they break! There is nothing a little glue could not fix!