Well, I am finally getting to scan sites for something to work on in my spare time... as if I have any. We had been gone all evening and my husband who just got a puppy a few months ago, but has been too busy to help with him was warned to take the dog out tonight. I was soaking my hurt foot so I couldn't. He decided it was much too important to play on the computer while watching tv and laying down. So I proceeded to tell him that it would be his mess to clean up if there was one. And well needless to say, there was. LOL. Even though I had warned him and he disagreed, I decided to be nice and help him clean up. After starting to help him I found that he was mad about having to clean the floors and he wasn't being nice at all. As a result, I quit helping and I decided to browse craft sites instead. So here I am enjoying all the wonderful and beautiful sites out there feeling pretty complacent or satisfied. Smiling all the while from ear to ear and finally enjoying some quiet time.
As I was browsing through sites I came upon some Easter crafts. Easter is coming up here in a few days, so I thought I would share the sites with you for some cute last minute ideas to decorate your table, baskets, or just because you like them crafts!

Picture as shown on the "Increasingly Domestic" website address of: http://increasinglydomestic.blogspot.com/2011/04/upcycled-candle-jars-to-candy-jars.html?spref=bl .
This project is simple and easy. It requires candlesticks, E6000 glue, and any type of glass jars with or without lids depending on what you plan to fill them with! I love this idea! I wish I had candlesticks right now, but maybe a trip to the $ store is do-able for tomorrow :) heehee.
Below you can find some cool egg dyeing tips and decoupage ideas for decorating them! I found this picture and idea at the blog by "Design Mom" located @ http://www.designmom.com/ .

Picture by Design Mom
BELOW: I found a great idea that I am going to take full advantage of tomorrow for sure--as I do have everything I need for it. These paper mache eggs filled with treats are so awesome! I just love decoupage!
For teens or tweens, you can even add some money inside some of the eggs or make a treasure hunt filling them with clues leading to a grand prize at the final hiding spot! I know my 20 year old still hunts eggs and will be coming by on Easter for our family gathering! LOL.
This tutorial and picture can be found posted on the blog by "Not Martha" located @ http://www.notmartha.org/tomake/papiermacheeastereggs/

Picture by Not Martha
Need faux grass in a hurry? You can run through the shredder any kind of wrapping paper, tissue paper, or colored paper that you can add to your children's baskets or decorative items in a snap! I found this idea on the "Martha Stewart" website.
I also found this picture of daffodil candy cups (above) and tutorial for the idea along with many other last minute ideas listed on the "Martha Stewart" website located at: http://www.marthastewart.com/article/daffodil-candy-cups?backto=true&backtourl=/photogallery/last-minute-ideas-easter#slide_3
I just made a quick pattern with a heavy weight paper and cut it out. Then I used a glue stick to add a cupcake liner and filled it with candy! You can also add a cute tag to it! There is a quick and easy pattern on Martha Stewart's website you can use. The address for a template can be located at: http://images.marthastewart.com/images/content/web/pdfs/2011Q2/msl_0411_daffodil_candycups.pdf