Now, keep the front section of the hair down and loose. Pull the rest of the hair on top backward and make a small snooki at the back of the head on top. That is take a few sections on top toward the rear of the head. One section at a time, tease the under area from the scalp up about 2 inches using a comb or brush. A special comb can be purchased at the local beauty supply that has three rows of teeth and works great for this step. Be careful not to overtease, the end goal for teasing the hair is to add body at the top rear of the head making the bump or snooki.
Next take a section of hair that frames the entire face, leaving it loose and pull it forward. Clip it out of the way. Start making soft rolls towards the back of the head. The first row will follow the hairline of the clipped and tucked away section that was previously created. THis will make two rows going from ear to ear across the top of the head. The rows behind it will go from front to back. It will sweep from the top down the side toward the ear. Once this is complete, follow behind it with additional rows that go from the front to back of the area being working on. The back side of the rolls will be pinned in various places. Once this is completed all of the rows will end at the back of the head and pinned. Now pin loose curls here and there from the rear crown of your head to the middle rear of the head to make it full. Leave from the midsection down to the base loose.

Once finished, the hair should have pinned curls, rolls, and rope braids except for the base hairline which was left down. To finish, either pull your hair to one side pinning it to stay so it cascades across the shoulder; make a loose ponytail covering the rubber band with a section of hair and pinning it; or leave it to cascade down the back which is what is in this picture.

These pictures were taken after her event seven hours later. The hair took approximately 1.5-2 hours to complete. Good luck!