Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Halloween Subway Sign

The first thing I did was get some cut wood at Lowes. Sand the edges and sides.

Next paint the wood the color of your choice.  I am using a flat black paint by Plaid to cover the wood.

Allow for drying time.

Once it has dried, drill two holes into the top the size you would like depending on if you are using rope, twine, ribbon, or fabric.

Now, paint the holes to match the board.

Once that is dry, then it is time to either distress and then attach your stickers with a hot glue gun, or just attach the stickers. I chose to distress mine a bit with some sand paper, and then I wiped a brown shoe polish gently over the sanded areas.

Last I added a strip of scrap fabric I had on hand and tied it in a knot, trimmed the ends, and hung it on the wall.