Monday, May 28, 2012

Quick and Easy Nursery Wall Hanging

My Friend dropped in last weekend for a quick visit to pick up her daughter, I thought! She actually stopped by not only to get her daughter, but needed some help with a gift idea.

She was headed to a baby shower that afternoon and had picked up a fat quarter of fabric and a few monogrammed wooden letters.

I pulled out my paint tray and brushes. She got busy right away and painted the wooden letters. We used a hair dryer to quickly dry them.

I just so happened to have a cabinet door I pulled out of a storage unit. It was a sample left over from when my father was purchasing new cabinets. I knew when I saw that door that I could make something with it, but I just had not decided what exactly. So I told Corbey...let's use this. 

We flipped it over and added a hanger to the back side.

After the letters dried, we measured the center of the cabinet. Corbey cut a piece of fabric to fit the center perfectly.

Then we mod podged the center with a generous coat and placed the fabric on it. I air dried it for a few minutes to speed up the process.

The next thing we did was use a dab of all purpose Gorilla glue to the letters with a dab of hot glue so that the hot glue would hold it on there while the craft glue dried. I don't always trust hot glue on a slick surface. The Gorilla glue will be completely dried in 24 hours so that is fool proof.

It turned out great. We put it in the backside of the basket and tada! It took less than 20 minutes. After it was done, I was like "Wait I need some pics!" Too late. Here is what I got...