Friday, September 2, 2011

Revisited Fabric Covered Embroidery Hoops Makeover Using Fabric Paint

I recently had a visitor in my garden that I was able to snap a quick photo of using my phone one morning. This little gal or guy is my muse for this project. This isn't a fancy project, but in an earlier post, I had made some fabric covered hoops that are lacking in character. This little bird was exactly what I needed to finish the project up.


My garden friend inspired me! What inspires you in life?

I took two of the fabric covered embroidery hoops and updated them a bit. I used a pen to outline a hummingbird on one. Then I wrote "Dream" on the other before using a tube of Tulip Slick fabric paint. I smeared the paint inside the hummingbird to fill it in with an old paint brush after squeezing some paint inside of the bird's outline.

Outline the picture in pencil or pen first then use a paint pen to cover the outline. I used Tulip Slick Fabric Paint in black.

Now using a brush I smeared the paint on the inside to fill in all areas.



And there you have it. When I put them back up on the wall with the other plain hoops, they look great! I feel much better about the project :).